Alcoholism Is one of the most difficult problems to a modern society. The effect of alcohol is a theme, a test or a discourse between science, different fields of who are trying to create for the reason that a quick in growth, a disease, removes way the people of this state, as well as the risk factors for the development of predisposition to the regular use of alcoholic beverages.

First the by the alcohol-induced changes in the internal organs is not characterized by a sharp violation of the feature. But with the passage of time, effect of alcohol on human growth, acute diseases which a given operation is vital in an organization, to break the chain complex mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation.
Features of the mechanism of action
How does the alcohol in the body? If the stomach, it's almost the alcohol is absorbed lightning fast into the bloodstream. Little do they know, the ghosts are starting to decompose in the mouth, so the blood becomes saturated with the alcohol the first is a connection to a second test. From this moment begins the damaging effects of alcohol on the human body. Approximately 20% of the alcohol, the enzyme is neutralized by liver alcohol dehydrogenase, by the addition of alcohol, need to turn off the poison of the material.
A large part of the alcohol continues to function in the small intestine. This is where the alcohol is placed in the water areas a test, then partly excreted through sweat, urine, saliva, and a similar, is only partially oxidized and some of the culture that accumulate in most organs. During this period, alcohol works as a poison, slowly poison the cells of the body, affecting the development of ember, a mental state or functioning of the internal structures.
The effect of a given alcohol, and bodies
The damaging effects of alcohol on the human test reflects not only the impaired function of the book release, liver. Alcoholism has a negative impact on all organs, as well as a set of human test. In short, the regular consumption of alcohol, to completely destroy a model of a normal functioning of a patient's catastrophic impact on the entire life-one of the main causes of mortality of people of working age.
An effect on the psyche
Probably all of you know, alcohol's effect on the human psyche. Drinkers with the Difficult people hallucinations, overwhelming anxiety, apathy, depression. Alcoholics completely lost "for me". Ezek people become anti-social, little attention is paid to the appearance of, and be worried about are not everyday human troubles, concerns that the family and stuff.

The effect of alcohol on the human test
Each stage depends on a specific symptoms and distinguishing characteristics. Mind providing 4.
A profile section, characterized by a gradual increase in intake of a Financial analysis, the dependence formation, as well as the effects of alcohol on the psychological level.
The second stage is desire a to increase the dose of alcohol. Dependency on the physical level.
A third - the destruction of a physical, not a problem, a psycho-emotional level, a dementia onset.
The fourth stage can no longer be treated, results in death and an addict. The fact that a given a body, a death.
25 I look, because I don't drink
Many people don't mind alcohol consumption, night, weekend, or during the holidays. But few people have a sense of proportion and power. Stand now, at first glance, a hobby becomes a habit. In this paper, we provide 25 look who rejected alcohol, alcohol in the negotiation of the dangers, and what the effects on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, evil, lack of discipline, wasted talent, pointless conflicts and poverty.
- It's hard to find an evil greater than alcohol, which is so persistently and ruthlessly devastated the health of millions of embers they are dramatically destroying all the tissues and organs of the human body (especially the cerebral cortex), the mind and the personality of the people, which is ultimately to early death. A insidiousness of this poison to serious consequences from the dangers of alcohol doesn't come immediately, gradually, imperceptibly.
- The effect of alcohol in the life of the person who says the following facts: 50 percent of a accidents, 1/3 of suicides, 80% of deaths from cancer of the oral cavity, and esophagus occurs due to alcohol abuse.
- As a result of the research conducted using the latest technology, the Australian scientists concluded, alcoholics, inter alia, between a moderate users gradual decline, and the book publishing shrinkage. A glass of alcoholic beverages is destroying our brains 1000-2000 cells. These data confirmed that 95% of alcoholics and 85% of medium users.
- Studies prove the likelihood that a person healthy drink 15 times less than the not-drinking, the mortality rate in children 5 times higher morbidity higher, to 3.5 times (note we are talking only about drinking, not about alcoholics). Alcohol affects children in a birth before. Even in those families, the moderate drinkers of alcohol children with a delayed development, mental retardation, even if dead. Since the addiction is alcohol, drugs, women in America alone every day to give birth to thousands of premature babies. Drinking parents are the worst thieves, the theft of the children's own happiness in the future, discoveries, happiness, to live a full life (F. G. Uglova).
- Testing a chicken egg, the following is showed: up to 160 eggs set in an incubator in a shed, in a basement which had been cooked in alcohol. The alcohol made an egg. Come When the time has the following results: the hatched Chicks, only the half 40 the viable, 25 mutants (beak, no claws, etc.).
- If you suffer from the human genetic code, the danger of a whole generation. In our time, violation of the genetic code is 96% due to the various drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, other drugs).
- Financial analysis or drug is harmful in any form, in any dose for the human body, acting because like morphine marijuana or to have the illusion, the goodness, the happiness, that a irreparable damage as the rest of the poison.
- According to a world health organisation (band Health Organisation), every third person on earth dies cause related to alcohol consumption, a fifth and related reason is that Smoking. So, the above look, in Russia, we will lose almost half a million people a year, 20 times the number of victims of a nuclear bombing of Hiroshima.
- The ban for more than 10 years successfully operating, what was then Russia. During this period, a decrease in the number of patients, emptied the prisons, the peace, the family, the homes appeared well-being. These data are checked, and a great medical encyclopaedia, numerous scientific work and the time.
- Security is a compulsive alcoholic some of that after drinking, feel relieved, pure self-deception caused by paralysis of one of the centres of attention and self-control. All Patients with a welcoming dose of alcohol falls into a state of euphoria, and still own one disease, it looks like the pink color. In fact, a intake of alcohol in any quantity only exacerbates the process to damage people .
- No wonder people say: "River starts with a trickle, and the drunk wine glass". Think about this fact. From the standpoint of infectiousness habit of drinking more dangerous, not drunkards and alcoholics, because looking at them, no one's fog of desire that they imitate. More infectious, for example, those who drink "moderately", "cultural" people drink, "observed their rituals", etc. unfortunately, the media is well "worked" hard to ensure a wider, larger the temptation to provide the meals. Rare movie, without the glasses, sumptuous feast, and then fry it. People keen to drink ezek after a toast, mystic relying on almost the fact that the empty or a glass stack — a surest way to the implementation of a cherished desire. The children become the audience, as well as witnesses, and then a accomplice of alcohol consumption, because they imitate their parents on a subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that if the children play a birthday or wedding party, they are to reproduce, copy, games, the eating attributes of an adult — sit down at the common table, open the bottles, clink glasses, say a toast, break. A survey of 100 boys in one of the kindergartens showed that 97% of the children, is well described by drunkenness. Kindergarten in develop view a alcohol, as a specific binding partner of celebrations and gatherings, an attractive symbol, a adulthood. 11-12 year-old adolescents, that it is stable enough as a stereotype, an attitude that getting drunk is. They copy the parents and loved ones.
- Teenagers assert themselves, that those who drink more. Companies such grown euphoria. Teens or, the protruding alcoholism ideas, courage, manhood, adulthood, each other, inducing someone drunker than who shouts louder, or name, or screams, who swagger acting. The behavior of the many gaudy, ostentatious, hysterical. Usually includes loud music, amplified by a destructive behavior.
- According to statistics, drinkers live on average 10-15 years less. Smoking for 8 years. Directly to This shows that the damage of alcohol on the human test.
- If it's a Short answer to a question about why people drink, I have to say: you drink, because it's a drug that uncle sanyi round advertised and freely sold. Drink because the alcohol drug sell legalizirovat did it for a cheap price.
- There is a misconception that alcohol should be taken "for fun". Very good fun and laughter — moments of a very important person in his life. Give rest of the book, the distracting thoughts of daily problems, mint strengthens the nervous system, preparing the new works, problem is our. But a laugh, a fun and only useful in those cases when a man came up sober. Drunk fun can't be scientific, rational understanding of this condition. Drunk "fun" is none other than the excitation under general anesthesia, the first step in a anesthesia, a stage of excitation, which is a surgeons on a daily basis, when you give the patient other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, etc.) those which are the effects consistent with alcohol, as the alcohol, the drugs. In this section, an excitation with a sammi is not good, but after a rest, the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of the other oppression are always consequences (headache, lethargy, weakness, job is not willing to, etc.). This is not observed when sober fun. So alcohol is a friend, but the enemy of fun. Denying the time, a person to distract from the fun. Instead, get a headache, fatigue. Similarly, acting, Financial analysis, exhaustion. Freedom gave A day to the man physically hurt me, hurt me, mentally well-rested, the new forces, an intention that, to work, to work after the holidays.
- Alcohol is the illusion of stress relief. In fact, the tension of the book, and the whole nervous system is preserved, the hop voltage when it is even bigger than before the fault. But added to this is a weakening of the fog, and fatigue.
- An innate need, drink, beer, wine, vodka, etc. the people there are. This was not the light, alcoholic products, traditions, drinks, without them you can not stay, to not cause harm to the body, friends.
- A conscious choice "to drink, to drink or not" we need to know what effect the alcohol a body. "Advertisers" form of any legend are a usefulness of the alcohol. A television advertising beer, the so-called "better", "life-giving", "the real men", wanted to "bind" alcoholic beverages, gender, national, Patriotic, high-status characteristics of people. Don't be fooled that it is useful to have objective information and to learn how to neutralize an ad.
- After the alcohol increases urine output (diuresis), then the loss of water, salts. After a intoxication, excessive thirst, "pull" the juice, and mineral water. A short systematic overview of the actual effects, the Financial analysis, all types of metabolism in a living organism leads to a conclusion: all types of metabolism have been damaged. This is a series of "killer" effect determines an antiseptic action of ethyl alcohol obstruction is a need to have the use, as a drink.
- The term "spirits" is incorrect. "Drink" you would have nutritional value, contain substances participating in the diet. Ezek include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The alcohol is not. A brandy, just a strong beer with very little. To win the daily amount you need to drink this amount in a liquid in which the alcohol content is many times greater than the lethal dose.
- A money, booze can be, for example, to buy a car. You can count colonel wants to see how many artists, or year to spend on alcohol.
- Often there are links to studies of foreign scientists, such as number of institutions in Munich, which demonstrates that help a beer in the many disease. First to be noted should be that all such studies have been conducted a financial successfully disbursed by the eu structural the alcohol industry. Therefore ezek the results can be found through the media, but it's hard to find a serious scientific journals, because this is usually, journals ask the authors to specify the funding source of a study, and if yes, alcohol industry or tobacco, a publication of studies in such a perceived as a sign of bad taste.
- The power to another get rid of addiction to be free, happy.